Child Care Loan Programs

Child Care Facility Loan Fund (CCFLF)
The CCFLF was created through Public Act 97-259, establishing three separate loan programs to finance the construction of child care facilities.
Each loan fund program is managed by the Connecticut Office of Early Childhood and administered through CHEFA. The three loan programs available are listed below. An application for the Small Direct Loan Program is available for download at the bottom of this page.
Tax-Exempt Financing
Please note that this program is currently closed to new applicants. Loans are for the large-scale construction, expansion and renovation of child care centers. The State Legislature allocates funds to pay at least 80% of loan repayments.
- Loans are at a low interest rate, and have a repayment term of 30 years
- Borrowers must be experienced providers of center-based care
- Borrowers must be not-for-profits or municipalities
- Borrowers must serve children with School Readiness or DSS Contract funds
Contact: Michael Morris, Managing Director – Client Services, CHEFA, (860) 761-8424
Guaranty Loan Program
Loans are for moderate to large-scale construction, expansion and renovation of child care centers. CHEFA subsidizes the interest rate, making the loans more affordable.
- Loans are at a low interest rate, and have a repayment term up to 20 years
- Borrowers must be experienced providers of center based care
- Borrowers serve lower income children and/or children aged 0-4 years old
Contact: Michael Morris, Managing Director – Client Services, CHEFA, (860) 761-8424
Small Direct Loan Program
Loans are for pre-development, minor renovations, equipment, or start-up costs of home-based care.
- Loans have a term of 5 years at a 9% interest rate
- Borrowers may be experienced or starting a new business
- Home-based care providers are encouraged to apply
Contact: Michelle Mezzi, Connecticut Community Investment Corp., (203) 776-6172 x123