Frequently Asked Questions
Thank you for your interest in the CHEFA grant programs.
Where does the CHEFA grant money come from?
CHEFA grant funds are derived from the Authority reserves and surplus earnings. No state funds are utilized.
What are CHEFA’s priority areas for grant funding?
CHEFA has four grant funding priority areas:
- Education (inclusive of workforce/vocational training and youth employment)
- Healthcare (inclusive of Wellness and Senior Living)
- Childcare (inclusive of before and after-school programming)
- Cultural (inclusive of museums, theaters, arts, etc.)
What are the CHEFA Grant Programs?
CHEFA runs a yearly Client Grant Program for CHEFA clients only, and a Nonprofit Grant Program for 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations. In addition, CHEFA maintains the right to run a yearly Targeted Grant Program that addresses a statewide need related to one or more of the four sector priority focus areas of the Agency. Funding is subject to availability. Check the three Grant Program Tabs or call for information about upcoming Requests for Proposals (RFP) or Letters of Interest (LOI) or Applications.
What if we’ve never prepared a grant application before?
Our staff will be happy to walk you through the application and submission processes.
Isn’t a town department, school or library a nonprofit?
A town department, public school system, or public library are typically a part of the structure of a municipality and do not qualify for CHEFA grant funds, unless the entity has an IRS 501 (c ) (3) determination letter.
How often can my organization receive a CHEFA grant?
Organizations may receive a grant in THREE consecutive years (i.e. 2019, 2020, and 2021) before being asked to take one year off (i.e. 2022) before applying again in (i.e. 2023). This restriction does not apply if your grants were in non-consecutive years (i.e 2015, 2017, 2019, 2021).
What are the award amounts?
Our Client and Nonprofit Grant Program award amounts range from $5,000 to $75,000.
How can I access the CHEFA Grant Management System?
Please reach out to our Philanthropy Office at philanthropy@chefa.com.
When would we get our grant check?
Grant payments are typically made within 30 days of the award decision.
What is a 501(c)(3) organization? Aren’t all nonprofits 501(c)(3)s?
The Internal Revenue Code defines a 501(c)(3) organization. These are charitable organizations that exist for a public purpose and derive a significant amount of their support from public funds. Contributions to these organizations may be tax-deductible under the law. An organization must formally apply for, receive and maintain their 501(c)(3) status with the IRS. For more information, visit the charities section of the IRS website at irs.gov/charities-&-non-profits.
Still have questions? Email us at philanthropy@chefa.com.