Reporting, Modifications, & Compliance Requirements

Reporting Requirements
All CHEFA grantees are required to file online Interim Reports at various timeframes (quarterly for Targeted Grants or six-month for Client or Nonprofit Grants,) and a Final Project Report within 60 days of the end of their grant period on the CHEFA Grant Management System.
Email for more information.
Modification Requests
All requests for modifications to CHEFA grants must be made in writing via an initial email or a call to the Authority. After consultation with the Grant Program Manager, the organization will be asked to either complete the online or Word Document Grant Modification Form.
Email for more information.
Modifications should not be requested during the final 60 days of any grant period, nor after a grant period has ended.
Grantees are reminded that the grant agreement requires grantees to maintain full, accurate and current records of the funded project, which shall show, and separately account for the grant funds disbursed by the Authority and identify the purposes for which, and manner in which, the Grant Funds are expended. The failure to ensure that records are accurately maintained and funds are spent as delineated in the project budget provided to the Authority constitutes a breach of the grant agreement.
Grantees are required to use and retain capital assets purchased with grant funds for a minimum of five years. Disposal, transfer, or sale of said assets within five years of award, without the written consent of the Authority will constitute a breach of the grant agreement. The Authority may be obligated to report findings of noncompliance to various State and regulatory authorities.
State of Connecticut Contracting Requirements
An entity entering into a grant agreement with CHEFA must comply with the provisions of Connecticut General Statutes Sections 4a-60(a) and 4a-60a and the provisions set forth in Connecticut General Statutes Sections 4a-60a(a)(1)-(4), 4a-60a(b)(1), 4a-60(1)-(5), 4a-60(c)(1) must be included in the grant agreement.
The authorized signatory to a Letter of Interest and Grant Application must expressly acknowledge receipt and review of the State Elections Enforcement Commission’s “Notice to Executive Branch State Contractors and Prospective State Contractors of Campaign Contribution and Solicitation Limitations” and must agree to inform the applicant’s principals of the contents of the notice. Such notice is available at:
In accordance with Connecticut General Statutes Section 9-612(f)(2)(F), CHEFA clients, and each non-client seeking a grant in the amount of $50,000 or more, must complete and submit a Campaign Contribution Certification form with the Letter of Interest and Grant Application. The Campaign Contribution Certification form is available at